Thursday, May 13, 2010

Forex Trading Tips and Tricks - Trade with what you can lose

(This is a mini-series of Forex Trading tips and tricks by Eric Lye in his Forex Trading Blog.  Our objective is to help traders learn how to trade Forex properly, be educated and excel in their career)

We just had a traders gathering last Saturday and one of our very competent trader said this.  If you have the mentality of just trading with what you can lose, drop the idea immediately because you are planning to lose.  I totally agree with him.

Focus on learning how you should trade and minimize your losses when you are still at the learning stage.  And 95% of the traders do not get pass this stage and eventually give up this business.

Take each trade seriously, learn from it regardless if it is a win or lose.  Log down each trade and compile your statistics.  Start with a 30 trades cycle and see how you perform.  When you have developed the habit, increase to a 50 or even 100 trades cycle.