Tuesday, September 28, 2010

GBPUSD 2010-09-28 Analysis

(Technical analysis done by Eric Lye in our Forex Trading Blog.  The purpose is to share how we analyze the market and put ourselves on the side of higher probability of things happening.)

A quiet Monday as expected after strong breakout from last week.  Trend is still up, but I am expecting some retracement. 



E Cup Baby said...

Eric, you are a market oracle!

How do you know that a retracement is going to happen?

elye said...

LOL... I am not a market oracle.

These are the basics of planning for trades. We plan the scenarios, and if it happens, we act.

I didn't catch this as the news cause the pair to move so wild. But, it did helped me with my EURGBP trade. I got a 100pips out of it.
